It seems to me that it was a more successful start to a football program than anyone had a right to expect, but perhaps with the experience of so many veteran coaches involved, it's not a big surprise.
Having watched several practices and many games, being on the sidelines with the coaches and players, and in some cases right on the field, I can report that these kids may never again have this kind of compassionate, patient, encouragement from skilled coaches in their sporting careers.
While I have watched and listened in amazement at the insults and foul language that can be hurled at players in other leagues from the sidelines, I saw coaches at FBCN games take mistakes and lapses as teaching and encouragement opportunities for boys and young men. What role models they are to these who will grow up to be players, coaches, and fathers themselves. Understanding that competitive sport is an inward test of courage, resolve, and perseverance, along with a physical demand to push beyond ones' previous limits, to face and overcome fears and doubts, and to often "play" with pain - these coaches are in a position of molding the evolving character and confidence in young men. I have been impressed with what I have seen.
When I considered that many of these boys had never played tackle football before, and indeed probably never been allowed (much less instructed) to physically frustrate, impede, or hit another person with their body... they came a long way. I suspect that this will open opportunities for them in football as they move along in school.
For players, coaches, parents, family, and friends, let me encourage you to look at all the galleries of all the games and practices from this season again. Find shots of your favorites that you would like to preserve, and honor your players with mementos of their effort and diligence. Take note that you can order more than just snapshots.
There are large prints, and even framed prints on canvas. Think of Christmas cards (yes we can help with those), and gifts with pictures printed on them (t-shirts, sweatshirts, aprons, playing cards and much more). There are downloadable files available for your computer too. Think how honoring a series of pictures downloaded onto a digital picture frame would be! Email me for some options.
Some people have asked about poster size prints. Yes. Others about Black and White versions - Yes. Some have asked about soft and hard cover books - Yes. There is three-dimensional wall art, and almost anything you can think of, we can locate, and put a picture with it. Just email me and we'll figure out something special.
To see the latest galleries of pictures from the final games of the season click the link below:
I will also be placing the team pictures and individual portraits online soon. Those will be available in larger sizes.
Oh, and remember... you can crop pictures down from what you see on the screen, and in some cases even change the orientation from horizontal to vertical (or vice versa). When you click to buy a picture, that becomes an option (before you have to pay - you see and decide). If you see a picture you really want, but it's not quite framed the way you want... email me before you buy it, and I will see if we can make some custom changes to it. Almost every picture you see has more in the original shot than what shows.
Let me know what you like, and what you would like. Thanks for your support, and a great season!