Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Naples High Eagles Vs. Palmetto Ridge Bears

Naples High School came to Palmetto Ridge High School after a heartbreaking 1 point loss the week before. I had never shot at the Ridge before. As with most High Schools, stadium lighting is fine for watching a game, but less than ideal for stop-action photography (Big College and Pro stadiums light for television, and as a result, throw many more lumens down on the field). This makes picture taking a bit more of a challenge.

Photographers try to make up the difference with "fast" lenses (they allow in more light), "pushing" the ISO (to increase sensitivity), using "fill flash", and setting shutter speeds lower than they would during a day game. All of these techniques can help, but all have drawbacks as well.

This week the job was made even harder by the presence of smoke wafting across the field from the concession grills on the east side of the stadium. Smoke tends to make pictures look hazy instead of crisp and clear. A west wind would have made all the difference!

I have some shots from the Naples and Palmetto game, and hope to get more of both teams as the season progresses. Keep checking back to see if your favorite player was captured on NaplesPix.com!

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